
(四川日机密封件股份有限公司,四川 成都 610045)

摘要:近年来,炼油企业发生了多起因高温油泵密封泄漏引发的火灾,不仅给企业安全运行带来严重影响,还造成了不同程度的环境污染。为此,石油、石化企业对在役高温油泵进行了全面梳理,要求泵、密封的制造商对热油泵使用机械密封提出改造方案。由于在役高温油泵的泵腔尺寸无法满足ISO 13709的要求,也就无法完全按照美国石油学会标准API 682的要求对机械密封进行改造。因此,需要根据现有条件,灵活选择机械密封的型式、布置方式设计方案,保证机械密封的可靠性及高温油泵的安全运行。
中图分类号:TH136           文献标识码:B           文章编号:1006-0316 (2013) 02-0074-04

Discussion of the machanical seals’ reform for high temperature oil pump
HUANG Min,WEI Shao-jun,GUO Dong,WU Wen-hao
( Sichuan Nikki Seal Co., Ltd., Chengdu 610045, China )

Abstract:In recent years, the fire caused by seal leaking happened frequently. That impacts the security of oil refining enterprises and cause serious pollution. Many oil refining enterprises prepare to rebuild the high-temperature oil pump. The pump, seal-parts, even the whole mechanical seal system are required to be redesigned. Because that the active high-temperature oil pumps can’t meet the demands of ISO 13709 and can’t be rebuilt according to API 682. Therefore, we have to choose the type of mechanical seals, disposed plans flexibly to make sure that the high-temperature oil pump worked normal.
Key words:high temperature; mechanical sea;pump chamber size;reform



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